I’m a San Francisco based sofware developer, nuclear energy engineer and a plant lover.

github linkedin angelist



  • Q&A site based on sli.do
  • db: PostgreSQL
  • languages: JavaScripts and Ruby
  • backend: Ruby on Rails
  • frontend: React and Redux
  • site link
    github repo

Read My Face

Airport Advisor

  • Airport review site
  • db: mongoDB
  • languages: JavaScript
  • backend: Node.js, Express.js
  • frontend: React and Redux
  • site link
    github repo



About me

I always had an interest in software development while I was in university. I directly interacted with programming including my graduation project, and my interest got stronger after moving to the US because there are so many people who work with significant companies and it attracted me to work with software in order to help or affect others through applications. Given these circumstances, I decided to take part in this community by taking steps such as taking courses from sites as Coursera. One of the courses I was working on was Machine Learning by Andrew Ng. I had trouble carrying out what I learned in this course because of the lack of the education I gained from my university. Due to this situation, I decided to add further steps to my knowledge by going to the App Academy. AA was undoubtedly an intense and effective bootcamp.. I studied web applications development with languages such as JavaScripts, Ruby and Python. I have worked with frameworks such as Ruby on Rails, React, Redux, Express.js and Node.js. and I used database systems like PostgreSQL and MongoDB in three months. I took part in a group project named Airport Advisor by working as a backend engineer. With this gained experience, I learned important skills such as collaborational work and also git feature branch workflow technique of GitHub. On the other hand I was working on a personal project which is called Questo. This project was a clone of sli.do, Q&A site, for storing events that assists users in searching for events. Regarding this project, I used Ruby on Rails framework for backend and postgreSQL for database. To acknowledge new ways on Rails, I created a new rails route. Finally I deployed Questo for public access by using Heroku. I made myself comfortable with development methodologies and testing. I am a self motivated learner and have strong analytical skills. I am looking for a software engineering position to broaden my knowledge and horizon and build great applications.

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